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A428 Legal Process Now Over

Works can now commence, and the road will be renamed as the A421 upon completion.

In a significant development for the A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet road improvement project, the Court of Appeal has declined Transport Action Network's application to appeal the refusal of permission for a judicial review.

This decision upholds the Secretary of State's previous ruling to grant a Development Consent Order, which serves as formal planning permission for the project. It also marks the end of the legal process, allowing the project to progress towards full construction.

Following the court's decision, preparations for the construction phase will now begin after a delay was caused by the legal challenge.

National Highways says

We are keen to get started as soon as possible, so you will see us continue preparatory works including archaeology, environmental surveys and diverting utilities as we get ready for full construction.


To ensure minimal disruption to both road users and local residents, close collaboration with local authorities, parish councils, and community groups remains a priority during the construction phase. By the end of this year, the project aims to transition into full-scale construction, with the anticipated completion and opening of the road expected in 2027.

The existing road is of single carriageway design and runs through Croxton and the new Wintringham development at St Neots before joining the A1 at Wyboston.  The new stretch of road, which will be known as a continuation of the A421, will be 10 miles long and is estimated to be costing between £810 and £950 million. 

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