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Polling Station Change For District Council Ahead Of 2017 Elections

Residents who have previously cast their vote at a temporary portacabin on Davison Road, Ely now have a more permanent site ahead of the elections on 4th May.

Residents who have previously cast their vote at a temporary portacabin on Davison Road, Ely now have a more permanent site ahead of the elections on 4th May.

The change made by East Cambridgeshire District Council will be put in place for the first time at this year’s county council and mayoral elections for the Combined Authority.

The new polling station, based at the Princess of Wales Hospital will be the venue for those in the HF2 polling district who have registered to vote.

Joan Cox, Electoral Services Officer at East Cambridgeshire District Council, said: “To help direct residents on the day, East Cambridgeshire District Council will signpost the polling station from Lynn Road, Ely from two directions; Williams Close and Davison Road onto Lumley Close.

There is limited off road parking at the polling station, so the council would urge electors to keep the area clear leading onto the footpath from Williams Close.”

For more information about elections in East Cambridgeshire, visit https://www.eastcambs.gov.uk/content/elections-registering-vote

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